Help us build our Training Building
Helping you find your next Service Dog, Therapy Dog or Emotional Support Animal.
In some cases we can also help you train your own dog.
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Generally a service animal is defined as any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Tasks performed can include, among other things, pulling a wheelchair, retrieving dropped items, alerting a person to a sound, reminding a person to take medication, or pressing an elevator button. All service dogs have public access guaranteed through the Americans with Disabilities Act. See the Our Services page to see what kinds of service dogs we train.
Examples would be:


PTS (Post Traumatic Stress) Dogs
Our PTS (PTSD) Service Dogs support individuals with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, and we are careful to ensure that each of our students is teamed with a dog that best suits that person’s capability, lifestyle, mobility, personality, and psychological needs. We match each applicant with the dog that will be their partner, and the power of this partnership transforms both their lives. It is this bond within a working service dog team that makes all of the magic happen.

Mobility Assistance Dogs
A service dog that acts as the arms and legs for someone who has a physical disability is called a mobility service dog. Mobility service dogs are specially trained to help with movement and movement tasks. A mobility service dog will usually be a larger breed of dog, to provide stability to the human...

Therapy Dogs
Therapy dogs are used in various settings to bring comfort to individuals in need. Therapy dogs don’t just work to bring joy to their handlers, but to other people; a variety of people and situations can be helped by the visits of a therapy dog

Emotional Support Animals
For some people with mental or emotional conditions, the presence of a dog is beneficial to their well-being. The dog’s ability to help the person deal with the challenges of their emotional difficulties adds quality to life. These dogs are called Emotional Support Animals (ESA).


We are a group of compassionate, experienced animal lovers that desire to help make life better, easier and more fulfilling for those struggling in our community.
The service dog can give those struggling with PTS a purpose in their life. The dog can give them the desire and confidence to engage with the community, family and even the potential to go to Walmart. The companionship of the dog will alleviate a feeling of loneliness.