Wow, who knew one would need to wear so many hats in the process of getting Brush Creek Service and Therapy Dogs started? We are all having to step out of our comfort zones and learn new stuff. Turns out the dog training is the easy part of this adventure. We have had the opportunity to be out in the community to exercise our skills as trainers and work on getting the obedience and socialization of our dogs sharpened up. It's been fun getting out and meeting some people and seeing the dogs being successful at public interaction.
Now we are trying to learn marketing, advertising and getting social media savvy. Basically we need to be photographers and authors, reporters and our own biggest fans. We are certainly looking to reliquish a few of those roles. We have our literature finished and printed, we have the website and applications completed. We have t-shirts printed and ready for sale. Now we are learning to write press releases and other advertisements and trying to decide where will the best places get booth space to see and be seen. Some days we feel like we are back in school, but we are making progress and look forward to seeing the fruits of our labor in the near future. Be on the lookout for us, stop by and say hello if you see us out and about. Check your local publications to see if any of our press releases have been successful. As always if you would like to volunteer or donate, see our website www.brushcreekservicedogs.org or you can text to donate, text servicedog to 53555. Thank you for your support, our mission would be mission impossible without you all.